Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 314

Location Codes
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
nn = 04
Address point.
Represents field-collected GPS points with field-collected address
nn = 05
Structure centroid.
Indicates the center of a building footprint polygon, where the
building receives mail or has telephone service.
Usually a residential address consists of a single building. For
houses with outbuildings (detached garages, shed, barns, etc.),
only the residences have a structure point. Condominiums and
duplexes have multiple points for each building. Larger buildings,
such as apartment complexes, typically receive mail at one
address for each building and therefore individual apartments are
not represented as discrete structure points.
Shopping malls, industrial complexes, and academic or medical
center campuses where one building accepts mail for the entire
complex are represented as one point. When addresses are
assigned to multiple buildings within one complex, each addressed
structure is represented by a point.
If the center of a structure falls outside of its polygon, the center is
manually repositioned to fall inside the polygon.
nn = 07
Manually placed.
Address points are manually placed to coincide with the midpoint of
an assessor’s parcel’s street frontage at a distance from the center
nn = 08
Front door point.
Represents the designated primary entrance to a building. If a
building has multiple entrances and there is no designated primary
entrance or the primary entrance cannot readily be determined, the
primary entrance is chosen based on proximity to the main access
street and availability of parking.
nn = 09
Driveway offset point.
Represents a point located on the primary access road (most
commonly a driveway) at a perpendicular distance of between 33-
98 feet (10-30 meters) from the main roadway.
Address Location Codes (A Codes)(continued)