Displaying address ranges – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 163

Chapter 7:
Finding Address with Quick Find
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
Copying Information and Displaying Status Codes for Quick Find Candidates on
page 163
Quick Find also supports single line address searching in the Address field. A single line address
has all address components on a single line rather than in separate fields. For example, in the
Address/Single Line Address field of the Quick Find dialog, you can enter an address such as:
One Global View, Troy NY, 12180
5. When you click Search, candidates are listed in the Match Candidate List. In this example,
MapMarker makes a close match. For a more complete explanation of single line address
searching, see
Using Single Line Addresses in Geocoding
Candidates from a Quick Find Browse cannot be displayed on a map. See
Candidates Using Quick Find on page 164
for more information.
Displaying Address Ranges
After selecting a street level, postal, or geographic candidate from the list, you can display the
address ranges associated with a candidate. To display address ranges, do either of the following:
Select a candidate and click Range, or
Double-click the candidate
The ZIP + 4
is also displayed immediately to the right of each street range.
The Range feature is available with candidates from a Quick Find search. You cannot display
address ranges from a Quick Find Browse. See
Browsing Candidates Using Quick Find on
Copying Information and Displaying Status Codes for Quick Find Candidates
Each Quick Find candidate in the Match Candidate List includes the result code, address
components, and latitude / longitude coordinates. Browse candidates will have street name or place
name only.
You can copy the appropriate information to the clipboard and paste it into another application. For
example, you can copy the address or coordinates into MapInfo Professional so that you can display
the location on a map using al the features of MapInfo Professional. You can also display the Status
Codes dialog and see information on GeoResult codes, Match codes, and Locational codes.