Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 148

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MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

DPV falsePos

char (1)

If true, DPV has detected a condition in which the geocoded address appears to
be artificially generated and not a legitimately obtained address. DPV shuts down
immediately in this instance.


Y – DPV has detected that an artificially generated address was geocoded. DPV
shuts down immediately.

N – The address is not an artificially generated address.

blank – Blank character (a space) returned as the value. If the ConfCode returns
a ‘Y’, ‘S’, or ‘D’, the falsePos property returns a blank character as the value.
Since the address exists in the DPV database, there is no reason to check for a
false positive.

DPV Vacant

Indicates if a location is vacant.


Y – The address is vacant.

N –The address is not vacant.

Blank – DPV is not loaded or DPV did not confirm (so vacancy is irrelevant).

DPV NoStat

Indicates that the address is not receiving delivery and the address is not
counted as a possible delivery. These addresses are not receiving delivery for
one or more of the following reasons:

Delivery has not been established.

The customer receives mail as part of a drop.

The address is no longer a possible delivery because the carrier destroys or
returns all of the mail.


Y – The address was valid for computerized delivery sequence (CDS)

N – The address not valid for CDS.

Blank – The address is not presented to No Stat table or DPV data is not loaded.


Indicates whether the input address was converted. This and the LACSLink
Code information are read as a pair.

LACSLink Code Includes information about the output.

DPV Column Values

Column Name

type (width)
