Client workstation install, Running the client install, Client workstation – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 45

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Chapter 2:

Client Workstation Install

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Client Workstation Install

If the system administrator has done a Shared installation of MapMarker and shared the data folder
across the network, users on the network can run client installations on their local workstations.

For instructions on doing a Shared installation on the server, see

Shared Install on page 27


If you are doing a shared Desktop application installation (Windows platform only), each client
machine that uses MapMarker USA v25 must have a MapMarker machine-specific license file. You
should have received this license file from your Sales Representative. See

License Management

on page 28



Exception: If you have an enterprise license, you will not need a separate software license
for your client machine. Enterprise license holders can point to the enterprise license file on
the server. This is described in

Instructions for Enterprise License Holders on page 47


To perform this client installation, access the DesktopInstaller directory in the shared data folder on
the server machine (\\SERVER-MACHINE \MapMarker_USA_v25_Data\DesktopInstaller\) and
locate the following files:

ClientSetup.exe – client Desktop application installer

setup.ini – INI file that specifies the data path.

For a shared install, the setup.ini file specifies the shared data path as with a UNC path. For





This datapath entry specifies where the client Desktop application can find the shared data for
MapMarker USA v25. There should be no need to modify this INI file entry.

Running the Client Install

To install your client Desktop application, you will run the ClientSetup.exe from the shared
DesktopInstaller folder on the server. The system administrator should have made the shared Data
and DesktopInstaller folders available across the network. Remember, you must have a
machine-specific license file in order to proceed.

Follow these steps:

1. Browse to the location of the shared installation of MapMarker on the network server. You may

need to check with the System Administrator for the location and to verify that the folder has
been shared.

2. From the shared machine, run the setup program (ClientSetup.exe) from

The \\SERVER-MACHINE represents the UNC path of the of the host machine where
MapMarker USA v25 server is installed. The Welcome dialog appears.

3. In the Welcome dialog, click Next to display the Destination Folder dialog.