S and z result codes: what is the difference, Best match from multiple candidates (m category), Best match from multiple – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
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Chapter 6:
Best Match From Multiple Candidates (M category)
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
For the greatest matching accuracy, you can use CASS™ geocoding as explained in
. Alternatively, you can use a parcel level dictionary to generate highly-accurate S8
single-point geocode matches.
You cannot use ParcelPrecision dictionaries (or any user dictionary) in combination with
CASS geocoding.
S and Z Result Codes: What is the Difference?
An S3 match is defined as a single close match with the point located at the ZIP + 4
centroid. The
Z3 match is also geocoded to the ZIP + 4 centroid. The S3 and Z3 result codes indicate the identical
postal centroid. There is no difference in the accuracy of S3 and Z3 matches. The only difference is
how MapMarker arrives at the results.
For the S3 record, MapMarker found a street address that matches, but the match record did not
contain any street geometry information. MapMarker is, therefore, unable to interpolate where along
the segment to place the record. The best it can do is to geocode to the ZIP + 4 centroid.
A Z3 match is a direct match to the ZIP + 4 centroid. MapMarker could not find a street address
match for one of several reasons: 1) you chose to geocode to the postal level; 2) there was no close
street level match and you chose postal fallback; or 3) the address is a P.O. Box or rural route.
Similarly, S2/Z2 (ZIP + 2 matches) and S1/Z1 (5-digit ZIP Code matches) indicate the identical
postal centroids. There is no difference in the accuracy of these S and Z matches.
Best Match From Multiple Candidates (M category)
Matches in the M category indicate that there is more than one match candidate for the record and
MapMarker has chosen the best one of those candidates. This category is used when you select
Accept First, Pick Street Address over ZIP + 4, or Pick ZIP + 4 over Street Address in the
Multiple Match tab and MapMarker finds more than one strong match candidate. As in the S
category, the second position in the code of M category matches the positional accuracy of the
resulting point object.
M category matches can be returned for the Desktop Application only.
M1 – multiple matches, point located at ZIP Code centroid
M2 – multiple matches, point located at ZIP + 2 centroid
M3 – multiple matches, point located at ZIP + 4
M4 – multiple matches, point located at the center of a shape point path (shape points define the
shape of the street polyline)
M5 – multiple matches, point located at a street address position (highest accuracy available)
M6 – multiple matches, point located at point ZIP location
MX – multiple matches, point located at street intersection