Creating a map catalog, Making a remote table mappable, Accessing a remote table for geocoding – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

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Chapter 8:

Accessing a Remote Table for Geocoding

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

In addition, you may wish to add a column to your table for storing the result code that MapMarker
generates. The result code describes the type of geocoding match that was attempted.

If you plan to write geocoding output to another table, provide those columns as well. See


Geocoding Output to Another Table

for more information.

Creating a Map Catalog

Create a Map Catalog for each remote database you want to access in MapMarker. In MapInfo
Professional, run the utility MIODBCAT.MBX from the Run MapBasic Program command. For
complete details see the topic on Accessing Remote Data in the MapInfo Professional Help System.

If you are not using MapInfo Professional, you must create the Map Catalog manually, as described

Creating a Map Catalog Manually

. This process only needs to be done once for each database.

Making a Remote Table Mappable

For each spatial table in the remote database that you want to access in MapMarker, you must
include it as a row in the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG table. This is carried out in MapInfo
Professional when you select Table > Maintenance > Make ODBC Table Mappable. For details,
see the appropriate topic in the MapInfo Professional User Guide.

If you do not use MapInfo Professional to manage the Map Catalog, you must manually add rows to
the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG table for each spatial table in the database that you want to geocode.

Creating a Map Catalog Manually

for further instructions.

Accessing a Remote Table for Geocoding

1. After your remote database is prepared for geocoding, you are ready to open it in MapMarker

and begin geocoding. Follow these steps.

2. If you have specified that the File Open dialog display at startup for ODBC tables (set in System

Preferences), the Select Data Source dialog is displayed automatically when you start

Otherwise, select File > Open ODBC Table or click

to display the Select Data Source


3. Click the Machine Data Source tab.