Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 193

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Chapter 8:

Writing Geocoding Output to Another Table

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Click OK.

5. In the Select Table dialog box, select the specific table that contains the addresses you want to

geocode, then click OK. For example, an MS Access table selection might appear as follows:

6. You may be asked if you want to use a different table for output. Answer Yes if you want to write

the geocoded results to a different table.

7. To write results to a different table, choose the data source for the output table. For example, you

might select Add_Table_Out as the results table to contain the geocoding output. Click OK.

8. If your source table has multiple unique keys, the Describe Table Relationship dialog appears.

Proceed to

step 9

. If your table has only one key, the Select Input Column dialog appears. Skip


step 10


9. In the Describe Table Relationship dialog, select the address source columns and the

corresponding columns with unique keys in the results table. In the Input Table list, select the
input column and drag it to the Selected Input Columns box for Key 1. In the Output Table list,
select the input column/key that is linked to the input column and drag it to the Selected Output
box for Key 1. Repeat for additional columns and keys. To remove a column name, drag
the item on top of them.