Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 272

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MapMarker Dialogs

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

In this dialog, you specify the columns to contain the results of the geocoding operation, such as:
result code, longitude, latitude, and CASS required information. This dialog appears when you click
Next in the Select Input Columns dialog after selecting your input address column choices.


Identifies the name of the table and lists all columns in the table that can be
selected. Highlight an address column name and drag to the appropriate
address component box. If the table has been previously geocoded,
MapMarker remembers the fields from the table’s metadata. If this is the first
time you have geocoded this table, MapMarker attempts to guess at the
correct fields by examining their field names. To view the complete name of a
field that extends beyond the box provided, hold the cursor over the field
name and MapMarker displays a popup box with the full name of the field.

Status Column

Select the columns where MapMarker stores the result code for each
candidate. The result code indicates how the record was matched and
whether the match is exact. Use the code to diagnose MapMarker
performance, to identify false positives, and analyze ungeocoded records.
The result code column is optional, but highly recommended.

You can also map output columns for the Match code and Location code. The
Match code indicates the portions of the address that matched or did not
match. The Location code indicates the accuracy of the assigned geocode.


For local tables, choose the columns where longitude (x coordinate) and
latitude (y coordinate) information is written when a record is geocoded.
These columns are optional when “Create Points” is selected.

Create points in
MapInfo Table

For local tables check this box if you want MapMarker to automatically create
points for your MapInfo table. Creating points is optional if you have specified
coordinate columns. For SpatialWare tables, MapMarker automatically
creates points for the table. The option box is then checked and grayed out.

Output Address

Specify the columns for these components if you want MapMarker to return
the address information from the Address Dictionary. To avoid overwriting
your data, be sure to identify columns other than the address columns you
chose in the Select Input Columns dialog. These columns are optional unless
you are geocoding your table to meet CASS. The Census and Carrier Route
fields are optional in all situations.


Specify Output Address Columns

for more information.

When you click Show DPV and LACSLink Columns, the view switches to
the DPV and LACS


output columns that are required for generating a

CASS report. See

DPV Output Columns


LACSLink Output Columns

for detailed information.

Columns button

Leads to the Modify Table Structure dialog where you can add, remove, or
change information about the columns in the open table.