Step 8 – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 36

Installing MapMarker
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
7. In the Choose Install Folder dialog, select the locations to install MapMarker software and data.
You can use the default locations, or click Choose to display the Browse for Folder dialog. From
the Browse folder you can navigate to the desired location. Click OK in the Browse for Folder
dialog when you are finished.
If you decide after selecting an alternative location that you would prefer the default location,
click Restore Default Folder in the Choose Install Folder dialog.
When you have selected the software and data install folders, click Next.
8. If you selected the Desktop Application feature in the Choose Install Set dialog (in
Desktop Application Settings dialog appears. If you are not installing the Desktop Application,
skip to
In the dialog, choose whether the installation is for this workstation only or whether the
installation is shared by others on the network.