Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
Page 258

MapMarker Dialogs
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
Look in:
Lists the available folders and files. To see how the current folder fits in the
hierarchy on your computer, click the down arrow. To see what is inside a folder,
click it.
The box below shows the folders and files in the selected location. You can also
double-click a folder or file in that box to open it.
File name:
Has a space for you to type the name of the file.
You can use * as a wildcard. For example, you can type *.* to see a list of all
You can also type the full path of a file. For example, you can type
Files of type:
This is useful for narrowing the list of files displayed to only those files you are
interested in.
The tables displayed are tables in MapInfo format (TAB) or any other supported
file format. See
. Select the file format of the file you
want to open.
Opens the file with the name, file type, and location you specified.
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.
Displays help on this dialog.