Non-match codes (n category), Using the georesult dialog, Displaying result codes and matching details – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
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Chapter 6:
Non-match Codes (N category)
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
Reverse geocoding result codes are as follows:
RS8A – Point level match. Candidate returned from a point dictionary (such as Centrus Points or
TomTom Points).
RS5A – Street address match. Candidate returned from address dictionary.
RS4A – Street centroid match). Candidate returned from address dictionary.
Non-match Codes (N category)
The following result codes indicate no match was made:
N – No close match. These records can be re-geocoded interactively or during subsequent
automatic passes under different matching conditions.
NX – No close match for street intersections.
ND – MapMarker could not find the Address Dictionary for the given ZIP Code or city/state.
These records can be re-generated once the Address Dictionary is available. An ND code can
also appear in the fields of Zip + 4
output columns. For example, MapMarker can return
12180-23ND. In this case, the ND code is ZIP + 4 Codes associated with nondelivery areas such
as vacant lots or other areas to which the US Postal Service does not deliver mail.
NG – The user marks these records during interactive geocoding as non-geocodable.
MapMarker does not attempt to match these records again until the code is removed.
Using the Georesult Dialog
After you geocode a table (automatic or interactive), successfully geocoded addresses will have a
have a result codes, match codes, and location codes in the corresponding output table columns.
Displaying Result Codes and Matching Details
To view detailed information on a the result code and matching details, double-click the candidate’s
result code in the Georesult column of the output table. The following represents a portion of an
output table (only the Georesult, Matchcode, and Locationcode columns are illustrated).
The S8HP-TSCZA result code was produced by geocoding the input address:
52 Lake Paradis Rd, Monson MA, 01057.