Street name matching, House number matching, Matching to street intersections – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 122: Preferring user dictionary matches

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Specifying Match Settings

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Street Name Matching

MapMarker looks at all candidates with names that sound like the input address. This slows down
performance. However, since more candidates are examined, the match rate increases. If your table
is indexed, the time difference between performance and match rate is reduced.

House Number Matching

Performance is not significantly affected by the house number matching requirement. It does,
however, affect the type of match if the candidate address corresponds to a TIGER segment that
does not contain any ranges. The type of match can also be affected if the house number range for
a candidate does not contain the input house number.

Matching to Street Intersections

For MapMarker to recognize street intersections, your table must be set up in either of the following

Address1 and Address2 must be contained in the same field separated by any of the following
intersection tokens: “and”, “at”, “&”, “&&”.

Address1 and Address2 are in separate fields, but the Use Address2 as Intersection Cross
check box must be selected in the Select input columns from your table dialog.


Intersection matching does require increased processing time.

Geocoding to ZIP Centroids versus Falling Back to ZIP Centroid

When MapMarker matches to ZIP centroid it looks only at the ZIP Code™ in the input address. If
your data has a 5-digit ZIP Code, MapMarker can only match to the 5-digit ZIP centroid.

If, on the other hand, you geocoded the same record at street level with a fallback to ZIP centroid,
MapMarker takes into account both the 5-digit ZIP Code and street name and is more likely to match
it to a more precise location than the 5-digit ZIP centroid.

Preferring User Dictionary Matches

If you select Prefer User Dictionary Matches on the Match Settings tab, candidates from the User
Dictionary are given a higher score than a similar candidate from the Address Dictionary. This
preference is designed for situations where you feel your User Dictionary is superior to the
MapMarker Address Dictionary. This selection is available only if a User Dictionary has been
specified. See

Dictionary Preferences
