Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

Page 224

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MapMarker Dialogs

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Bind Attribute Table Columns to Output Columns dialog

The Bind Attribute Table Columns to Output Columns dialog allows you to control the attribution
operation, including how the attribution table and geocoding tables are related and where
MapMarker stores the attributes in the output table.

Attribute Table Name

Lists the attribute table(s) you set in the Select Attribute Tables

Join Information Group

This portion of the dialog tells MapMarker how the geocoding and
attribute tables are related.

Join Using

Use the options in this group to specify how to join attribute and
output tables.

Output Point

Tells MapMarker to make the connection between the attribute and
output tables by geography. The geocoded point in your table is
compared with the geography in the attribute table. Requires the
attribute table to have a MAP component file. Also requires the
geocoding table to store the longitude and latitude values.

Column Value

This type of link between attribute and output tables is based on
matching columns. When this option is chosen the attribute table
and output table columns lists become available.

Attribute Table Column

Lists the indexed columns in the attribute table available for matching
against the output columns in your geocoding table.

Output Table Column

Lists the output columns available for matching to an indexed
attribute column.