Output field size and column names, Mixed case street output – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

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Understanding the Geocoding Process

MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Specify Input Address Columns
Specify Output Address Columns
Output Column Type/Width Requirements
Output Field Size and Column Names
Mixed Case Street Output
Setting Startup Preferences

Output Field Size and Column Names

MapMarker can return output information (such as firm names, apartment numbers, and suites) that
exceeds the recommended width of the output fields for Street and Firm. When this happens,
MapMarker truncates the information in the respective output field.

In the Input Column and Output Column dialogs, if a field name is too long to be seen in its entirety
in the list box, hold the cursor over the field name to display a popup box with the full name of the

See the following topics:

Supported File Formats
Geocoding Flexibility and Trade-offs
General Guidelines for Optimizing Geocoding
Specify Input Address Columns
Specify Output Address Columns
Output Column Type/Width Requirements
Interpreting Census Block IDs
Mixed Case Street Output
Setting Startup Preferences

Mixed Case Street Output

This optional feature adds the ability for output street addresses to have mixed case. The capability
is supplied in the MapMarker Desktop Application only. This geocoding preference located on the
Geocode tab of the Geocode dialog. When the Mixed Letter Case check box is selected, the output
street is in mixed case for a match. The input street column remains unchanged.