Findaddress, Running findaddress – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual
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Appendix D:
MapMarker USA 25
User Guide
FindAddress is a MapBasic application that allows you to find any address contained in the
MapMarker Address Dictionary or from a customized user dictionary and display the location in
MapInfo Professional. You can find street intersections as well. FindAddress is included on the
MapMarker DVD-ROM and installs in the MapMarker installation directory. FindAddress uses the
MapMarker geocoding engine and the Address Dictionary to match the U.S. address or street
intersection you want to find and spot on the map.
FindAddress is run from within MapInfo Professional. It is installed on the Tools menu when you
invoke the MapBasic application.
Running FindAddress
To run FindAddress:
1. From MapInfo Professional, select Run MapBasic Program. The Run MapBasic Program dialog
is displayed.
2. Select findad32.mbx from the MapMarker directory. Click OK. FindAddress is added to the Tools
3. With an active Map window displaying the general area of the address you wish to find, select
Tools > FindAddress > Locate Address. The Find Address dialog is displayed.
4. Type the address you want to find. You must enter the street name and either the city/state or the
ZIP Code™. Click FindAddress. MapInfo Professional locates the address and marks the
location with a symbol. To match to ZIP Code centroids, enter at least a 5 or 9 digit ZIP Code and
click Map Centroid.
To find a street intersection, in the Street Address text box enter the first street name followed by
the ampersand (&) or the word and followed by the second street name. For example: East 37th
Street & Avenue P. Click FindAddress. MapInfo Professional locates the intersection.
5. If multiple address or intersection candidates are found, FindAddress appears them in the
Candidate Address dialog. Highlight the appropriate address or intersection. The ranges of that
address are displayed in the Ranges dialog. To spot the location on the map, click Map
6. To find the ZIP Code centroid for your address, type in the ZIP Code and click Map Centroid.
MapInfo Professional spots a symbol at the ZIP Code centroid.
7. Close the FindAddress dialog by clicking Close Window. The Map window appears and the
symbol for the located address is visible.
8. To change the default symbol, the zoom level for the Map window, or to change address match
settings, select Tools > FindAddress > Options. Note that changing the zoom level in the
Options dialog only takes effect after you have located another address in the FindAddress
dialog. For the zoom level units, FindAddress uses the settings you set in Map > Map Options.