Append input file mode, Append.msg file, Considerations when running append – Pitney Bowes MapMarker USA User Manual

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MapMarker USA 25


User Guide

Append Input File Mode

Input File Mode allows you to specify an input text file that Append uses to process many tables
without having to add them into a list one at a time. The input file is a formatted file that contains
command lines for Append. The command lines list the files that are joined and instruct the Append
program which options to use when processing. This method is most convenient when you have a
large number of tables that must be appended and you do not want to go through the process of
selecting the tables through the graphical interface.

Below is the format of the command line that you must use and some examples that use the format.

append <


> [/table-id] /output <



for example,
append c:\data\ /table-id /output
append /output c:\data\

The first example creates a table called newtest that is a concatenation of two other tables: test1 and
test2. This example also creates a new column in the newtest table (Table_ID) that holds the source
table for each record.

The second example is similar to the first except that Append does not create a Table_ID column;
the paths for the source and output tables are also different.

To use Append in Input File Mode, do the following:

1. Select the Use Input File Mode check box.

2. Click Set Input File Name to specify the name of the input file that Append must use.


Append produces a message file for each processing session that contains information about the
tables that were appended. Append names the message file APPEND.MSG and places the file in
the same directory as the output tables. If the file APPEND.MSG already exists, Append adds the
new information to the end of the existing file.

Considerations when Running Append

If you append a file that is currently open, Append closes the table before the program processes it.
If the table has pending edits, Append displays a dialog that asks you whether you want to save or
discard those edits before appending.

If you are using input file mode, be sure that none of your command lines conflict or overwrite files
produced by a previous line in your input file.