2 – fast mode operation, Ds4830a user’s guide – Maxim Integrated DS4830A Optical Microcontroller User Manual

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DS4830A User’s Guide


For proper first sample capturing on power up, the sample and hold should be initialized as explained below.

1. Enable sample and hold for internal sample
2. Apply internal pulse for few µs
3. Wait for conversion to complete, clear the flags and discard the result.
4. Configure S/H according to application requirement without disabling the S/H.

Sample Time

(min 300nSec)

Conversion Time

Depends upon ADC


Sample and Hold Sample and Conversion Timings

Sample Pulse

Internal or External

Min 125uSec in Fast Mode or 250uSec in Normal Mode

Pin Discharge, if


SH Sample &

Conversion Timings

Figure 8-2: Sample and Hold Conversion Timings without Averaging – Single Mode Operation
During the single mode operation, the SHEN signal (either internal trigger or external trigger at SHEN0) acts as a
sample pulse for both sample and hold 0 and 1. The SH0DAI bit in the ADST register is set to ‘1’, after conversion of
both sample and holds by the ADC and an interrupt is generated if enabled. The results are available at data buffer
locations 23 and 24 respectively for both sample and holds after the ADC conversion is complete.

In the single mode operation the SH0DAI bit is set to ‘1’

a. At the completion of both sample and hold channels ADC conversion, if both sample and holds are enabled.
b. At the completion of only enabled sample and hold channel if any one sample and hold enabled.

The sample and hold interrupt for both sample and hold circuits can be enabled by the setting the SHDAI0_EN bit in
the SHCN register. In single mode operation, the SENR[1:0] register bits control the SHEN source for both of the
sample and holds. – Dual Mode Operation
Dual mode operation is selected when SH_DUAL bit in the SHCN register is set to ‘1’. In this mode of operation, both
the sample and hold circuits work independently. Each sample and hold can have separate internal or external
triggers. The SHEN0 and SHEN1 provide sample pulses to Sample and Hold 0 and Sample and Hold 1 respectively
for external trigger. The Sample and Hold Internal Trigger Enable Register (SENR) has bits to enable the internal
trigger for both sample and hold circuits individually. In the dual mode operation each sample and hold generates its
own Sample and Hold Data Available Interrupt Flag (SH0DAI and SH1DAI) in the ADST register. Each of these flags
can generate an interrupt if enabled. The results are available in ADC data buffer (ADDATA, see the ADC SFR
description for detail) 23 and 24, respectively.

8.1.2 – Fast Mode Operation
The DS4830A Sample and Hold provides a special “Fast Mode” feature which gives priority to a sample and hold
conversion over an ADC voltage conversion. The “Fast Mode” is enabled by setting the FAST_MODE bit to ‘1’ in the
SHCN register. This mode is useful when only Sample and Hold 0 is used. In fast mode operation the Sample and
Hold 0 is guaranteed to get a conversion slot in the ADC conversion sequence every 125

µs (If averaging is not

enabled). In this mode, the user is allowed to issue SHEN pulses (either internal of external pulse) at every 125


interval. This bit should be used with care, as it creates priority for the Sample and Hold0 over other sequence mode