1 – synchronous vs. asynchronous interrupt sources, 2 – interrupt prioritization by software, 3 – interrupt exception window – Maxim Integrated DS4830A Optical Microcontroller User Manual

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DS4830A User’s Guide


1. The next instruction fetch from program memory is cancelled.
2. The return address is pushed on to the stack.
3. The INS bit is set to 1 to prevent recursive interrupt calls.
4. The instruction pointer is set to the location of the interrupt service routine (contained in the Interrupt Vector


5. The CPU begins executing the interrupt service routine.

Once the interrupt service routine completes, it should use the RETI instruction to return to the main program.
Execution of RETI involves the following sequence of actions:

1. The return address is popped off the stack.
2. The INS bit is cleared to 0 to re-enable interrupt handling.
3. The instruction pointer is set to the return address that was popped off the stack.
4. The CPU continues execution of the main program.

Pending interrupt requests will not interrupt an RETI instruction; a new interrupt will be serviced after first being
acknowledged in the execution cycle which follows the RETI instruction and then after the standard one stall cycle of
interrupt latency. This means there will be at least two cycles between back-to-back interrupts.

5.3.1 – Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Interrupt Sources
Interrupt sources can be classified as either asynchronous or synchronous. All internal interrupts are synchronous
interrupts. An internal interrupt is directly routed to the interrupt handler that can be recognized in one cycle. All
external interrupts are asynchronous interrupts by nature. When the device is not in stop mode, asynchronous
interrupt sources are passed through a 3-clock sampling/glitch filter circuit before being routed to the interrupt
handler. The sampling/glitch filter circuit is running on the system clock. An interrupt request with a pulse width less
than three system clock cycles is not recognized. Note that the granularity of interrupt source is at module level.
Synchronous interrupts and sampled asynchronous interrupts assigned to the same module produce a single
interrupt to the interrupt handler.

5.3.2 – Interrupt Prioritization by Software
All interrupt sources of the DS4830A naturally have the same priority. However, when CPU operation vectors to the
programmed Interrupt Vector address, the order in which potential interrupt sources are interrogated is left entirely
up to the user, as this often depends upon the system design and application requirements. The Interrupt Mask
system register provides the ability to knowingly block interrupts from modules considered to be of lesser priority and
manually re-enable the interrupt servicing by the CPU (by setting INS = 0). Using this procedure, a given interrupt
service routine can continue executing, only to be interrupted by higher priority interrupts. An example demonstrating
this software prioritization is provided in the Handling Interrupts section of Section 19: Programming.

5.3.3 – Interrupt Exception Window
An interrupt exception window is a noninterruptible execution cycle. During this cycle, the interrupt handler does not
respond to any interrupt requests. All interrupts that would normally be serviced during an interrupt exception window
are delayed until the next execution cycle.

Interrupt exception windows are used when two or more instructions must be executed consecutively without any
delays in between. Currently, there is a single condition in the DS4830A that causes an interrupt exception window:
activation of the prefix (PFX) register.

When the prefix register is activated by writing a value to it, it retains that value only for the next clock cycle. For the
prefix value to be used properly by the next instruction, the instruction that sets the prefix value and the instruction
that uses it must always be executed back to back. Therefore, writing to the PFX register causes an interrupt
exception window on the next cycle. If an interrupt occurs during an interrupt exception window, an additional latency
of one cycle in the interrupt handling will be caused as the interrupt will not be serviced until the next cycle.