KEYENCE KV Series User Manual
Page 130

Chapter 3 Simulator
3. Click the [Line] button when specifying a line number to jump to. Click the [Step]
button when specifying a step number to jump to. Click the [Cancel] button to
cancel jump.
The specified line or step is displayed, and the cursor is moved to the specified
line or step.
Note 1: When a number larger than the last line/step number is specified, the last
line/step is displayed.
Note 2: Jump to the specified line/step can be performed only while the ladder
monitor is active.
Searching by specifying an instruction word/operand
➔ Search in Ladder Monitor
To find instructions and devices in a program by specifying an instruction word and
operand, perform the following procedure.
Note: A search can be performed only when simulation is stopped and the ladder
monitor is active.
1. Select "Search in Ladder Monitor" from the "Edit" menu.
The "Find Instruction/Device" dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the instruction word to be found into the "Instruction Word" text box. Enter
the operand to be found into the "Operand" text box. A search can only be
performed by specifying either an instruction word or operand.
3. Select the search direction.
Forward: Searches forward from the current cursor position.
Backward: Searches backward from the current cursor position.
4. Click the [Next] button.
The search is started, and the first block containing the instruction or operand is
When the specified instruction or operand is not found, the message "Can’t find
specified symbol." is displayed.
5. To perform a continuous search, click the [Next] button. To stop the search, click
the [Cancel] button.
KVSKA Chap 03.P65
08.3.11, 11:29 AM