Doepfer A-100(~ 40 MB) User Manual
Page 684

Midi-to-CV/Gate A-190-2
System A-100
(1) Midi channel/reference for CV1=0V
In case of an incoming note event in the learn mode the
note number and the channel of the event are taken over
as the new reference note and Midi channel. The
reference note is the Midi note number that belongs to 0V
CV1 output. In practice you simply enter the learn mode
and press the key on your Midi keyboard that should
belong to 0V CV1. Midi note events below the reference
note or more than 5 octaves above the reference note are
ignored (remember: the CV1 voltage range is 0...+5V).
The factory default settings of reference note and Midi
channel are 36 (C) and 1.
For the setting of these parameters Midi Program Change
messages coming from your Midi device are used.
Normally you will have to press the program change keys
on your Midi keyboard or synthesizer or software while
beeing in the learn mode.
Important note: Pay attention that some manufacturers
count the Midi program change numbers from 1....128,
others from 0...127. In this manual the counting 1…128 is
used. Please look into the user's manual of your Midi
device which type of counting is used. If the counting type
0…127 is used one has to subtract 1 from the program
change numbers in the table above. For some devices
(especially software sequencers) the type of program
change numbering can be selected. In this case you
should use the 1...128 range to agree with the numbers in
the table above.
The program change messages must be sent on the A-
190-2 Midi channel (see note 1).
(2) Velocity on/off
These program change messages are used to select
whether the note on velocity affects the control voltages
CV3 and CV4. If velocity is "off" only volume (CV3) or the
free adjustable controller (CV4) is used to generate the
control voltage. If velocity is "on" the volume or controller
value is multiplied with the note on velocity, i.e. the CV
value changes with every new note event as the velocity
of the note event is used to calculate the control voltage
together with the volume message (CV3) or the
assignable controller (CV4).