Doepfer A-101-1 Vactrol Steiner Filter User Manual

System a - 100, A-101-1, Introduction

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System A - 100

Vactrol Multitype Filter



1. Introduction

Module A-101-1 is a special multitype filter based on
an idea by Nyle A. Steiner from the year 1974. Injecting
an audio signal into different points of a standard low
pass filter circuit leads to the three filter types low pass
(LP), band pass (BP) amd high pass (HP). For each
filter type
a separate input

is available and the sum of

the three filtered signals appears at the common out-
. Even a notch filter can be realized.
In contrast to the original circuit so-called vactrols are
used instead of diodes as variable resistors for fre-
and resonance control. A vactrol is a combi-
of a light depending resistor (LDR) and a light
emitting diode
(LED) both put into a small light-proof
case. Vactrol based circuits are known for their soft
low-distortion sound
. For details about vactrols and
the A-101-1 circuit principles please use the correspon-
ding links in the A-101-1 info page on our web site
The three filter audio inputs are normalled via swit-
ching sockets
, i.e. the BP input is connected to the LP
jack socket provided that no cable is plugged into the BP
socket (same applies for HP/BP inputs). Each audio
input is equipped with an attenuator. The audio inputs
are very sensitive and enable distorted sounds too.
For both frequency and resonance manual control and
several control voltage inputs are available.
Two LEDs display the current frequency and reso-