System a - 100, A-107, Filter types – Doepfer A-100(~ 40 MB) User Manual

Page 119: Doepfer

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System A - 100

Multitype Morphing Filter




Try different waveforms for the LFO that controls
the step CV and increase the effect of the step CV
by turning up the attenuator. This increases the
range of filters that were covered by the LFO CV.


Adjust LFO frequency and attenuation, manual step
and morphing time to obtain a complete pass
through the complete chain.


By different settings of the manual step control and
the step CV attenuator one reaches any position
within the chain (e.g. step 16) and varies the range
of filters around this position (e.g. 14...16...18


Any control voltage sources of the A-100 can be
used to control the 5 parameters of the A-107.
There are no limits to the user's imagination.


One may control step CV, morphing time, filter
frequency, resonance and amplitude from the CV
outputs of a sequencer (e.g. A-155 or MAQ16/3),
add a little bit envelop (e.g. from the VC-Decay
A-142) to control the filter frequency, control even
the decay from a sequencer track and you will
discover "filter sequences" you never heard before.


The voltage controlled polarizer A-133 is a suitable
tool to adjust envelopes dependent on the current
filter type. A LP with a low basic frequency requires
another envelope (normally positive) than a HP
(e.g. a negative envelope). The A-133 is very useful
to change the envelope polarity and level indivi-
dually for each filter within a sequence.

7. Filter types

The 36 filter types of the A-107 are shown on the next
pages. For each filter the frequency response curve
(X/frequency versus Y/amplitude) is shown and a short
comment is added. For some filters customary names
are available, e.g. xxdB lowpass/highpass, bandpass,
notch or allpass. For the new filters without customary
names we tried to find an explanation that describes
the filter as good as possible.

The filters are divided into two groups. The filters of
the first group (01...18) allow self-oscillation. The
filters of the second group (19...36) do not include this