Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 638
Configuring Quality of Service
• Color Mode — Selects the type of color policing used. Choose Color Blind or Color Aware from the
drop-down menu.
• Conform Action Selector — Selects what happens to packets that are considered conforming (below
the police rate). Options are Send, Drop, Mark CoS, Mark IP DSCP, Mark IP Precedence.
Violate Action — Selects what happens to packets that are considered non-conforming (above the
police rate). Options are Send, Drop, Mark CoS, Mark IP DSCP, Mark IP Precedence.
Configuring Policing for a Policy-Class Instance
1. Select Policing from the Traffic Conditioning drop-down menu on the Diffserv Policy Class
Definition page.
The Diffserv Policy - Policing page displays.
2. Check to select one or more policing criteria to use for this policy-class.
3. Select or enter a value for each field selected.
4. Click Apply Changes.
The following Policy Rate Configuration page displays.
Figure 11-12. Policy Rate Configuration
5. Enter the desired criteria values for Committed Rate and/or Committed Burst Size.
6. Click Apply Changes.
Policing is configured for the specified policy-class instance, and the device is updated.
Defining Policy Classes Using the CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• QoS Commands