Routes and routepacks, View – Jeppesen FliteDeck 3 User Manual

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FliteDeck Principles


Keyboard users can also use the function keys (F1, F2...) that are mapped to buttons
and boxes. The setup program allows you to display or hide function key labels. You

might choose to hide the labels to make the boxes less cluttered. The function keys
still work when the labels are hidden, and you can use them if you can remember

which buttons or components they map to.

When the text on a button is grayed out, it means that button is inactive. For
example, in the Plan page, clearing the Enter Waypoint text box grays out the first

four buttons down the right side of the page, since there is no waypoint on which to
perform these actions.

Routes and RoutePacks

While you can create simple routes within FliteDeck, you may prefer the more

sophisticated flight planning capabilities of other Jeppesen applications, such as
FliteStar, JetPlanner, or JeppView. You can use the flight plans from these programs

within FliteDeck. Jeppesen programs exchange data using a file called a RoutePack.
You can save RoutePack files to flash or USB media, email them, and otherwise

move them between computers.

You can plan a flight using FliteStar, JetPlanner, or JeppView and then save your
work to a RoutePack. If you plan a flight on the same computer as FliteDeck, open

the FliteDeck program and the RoutePack will be there. If you plan on a different
computer than you fly with:

1. Copy the file onto a USB thumb drive or other media storage.

2. Copy the RoutePack file to your FliteDeck computer.


What is the difference between JeppView and FliteStar? JeppView is the

ground-based companion program to FliteDeck. JeppView gives you the
power to update, sort, and print your Jeppesen terminal charts in

customized formats to meet your specific needs. FliteStar is a separate,
comprehensive flight planner that integrates with JeppView and FliteDeck.

Transferring your RoutePack to the FliteDeck Computer

Assume you have created a route in FliteStar or JeppView from Jeffco (KBJC) to
Pueblo (KPUB) Colorado and saved it with the default filename and location:

Now, you would like to use this route on a pen tablet computer running FliteDeck.

1. Put removable media, such as a flash card or USB drive, in the computer with

JeppView or FliteStar.

2. Click My Computer and choose Explore.