Jeppesen FliteDeck 3 User Manual
Page 170

Enroute Nav Page
• The straight line at the top of the STI is called a lubber line. It marks the
aircraft’s ground track.
• The green arrow, which is pointing down in this picture, is the bearing
pointer. This pointer marks the bearing to the active waypoint, Moses Lake
(KMWH) in this case.
The bearing pointer’s position relative to the lubber line is a relative bearing, but not
exactly as relative bearing is normally defined. The STI measures bearing relative to
aircraft track, not heading.
• The yellow split arrow pointing up in this picture is the course pointer. This
arrow indicates the flight plan course to the active waypoint from the previous
waypoint. Like an HSI, the course deviation bar indicates whether the course
is to your right or left. This image shows the course is to the right, and
deviating farther from course (better turn about 30 degrees right).
The STI component offers additional information at a glance: