Saving a route – Jeppesen FliteDeck 3 User Manual
Page 138

Plan Page
When sequencing is off, it suspends FliteDeck’s automatic waypoint sequencing.
To turn sequencing off:
1. Select the Plan page.
2. Click Sequencing:ON to change the status of sequencing.
The status bar momentarily confirms that you have engaged Sequence Hold:
The Sequencing:ON button label changes to Sequencing:OFF. Now FliteDeck will
not sequence to the next waypoint after you pass the active waypoint. You can tell
sequence hold is active because your distance to the active waypoint starts
increasing after waypoint passage and the bearing changes to a value opposite your
course. It’s like crossing a VOR station and watching the TO/FROM flag on your VOR
flip to FROM.
To turn sequencing on:
1. If needed, set the active waypoint.
2. Click Sequencing:OFF to change the status of sequencing.
Saving a Route
To save a new or modified route:
1. Click Routes (F12).
The Routes and Waypoints block shows the Select Route list. The route you
were working on is selected and FliteDeck shows it as Unsaved.
2. Click Save Route (F9).
You can save any route in the Select Route list that is marked as Unsaved. Select the
route to be saved and click Save Route (F9).
When you exit FliteDeck, Windows asks you to save or reject this change to the
RoutePack file.