Route planning options – Jeppesen FliteDeck 3 User Manual
Page 88

FliteDeck Setup
changes to .rp~.
In Windows 2000 and XP, the default RoutePack working directory is the
folder (under the Jeppesen folder where your
programs are installed).
For Windows Vista, the default location is
[root]:\Users\[User Profile]\Jeppesen\Common\RoutePack
Change the RoutePack directory by clicking Browse and then navigating to the new
drive and folder.
To delete a RoutePack file permanently, navigate to the folder in Windows Explorer
and delete the file.
If you notice FliteDeck's performance slowing down, you may want to
create a separate RoutePack directory containing only the RoutePacks
used during flight. Having a separate directory limits the number of routes
FliteDeck must manage in the program, and may increase performance.
Route Planning Options
Automatically insert waypoint when route list is clicked — This check box
currently does not do anything. This function is always on. Check the README file for
the latest information.
Whenever there is a waypoint in the
, clicking in the
inserts the new waypoint in front of where you click. Because it is easy
to inadvertently insert a waypoint in this manner, FliteDeck always asks for
confirmation regardless of the setting on the Confirm Route Changes option.
Confirm route changes — If this option is selected, clicking the Execute button is
a required step to complete any change to a route. This allows you to examine the
changed route before accepting the change. Clear this box to save one step in
editing a route.
It is easy to unintentionally delete waypoints if this option is not
selected. It is recommended that you become comfortable editing
routes before clearing this option.
Allow rubberband replanning — To disable rubberband replanning, clear the
Allow Rubberband> Replanning check box. If you have a pointing device, the
rubberband method is an easy way to edit a route in FliteDeck (see
). If you are using a pen tablet device, you must be able to point to the route
and perform a drag action as you could with a mouse. Also, it may not be feasible to
use rubberband replanning during flight, especially in turbulence.
Include all intersections — Check this option when you want all the intersections
along the airways included in your route waypoint list. Use either of the following
formats to trigger this option: