Choosing an airport from the enroute chart – Jeppesen FliteDeck 3 User Manual

Page 145

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JeppView FliteDeck User's Guide



In cases where European VFR airports do not have assigned ICAO
identifiers, Jeppesen assigns identifiers in the format of the two-letter

country identifier followed by two numbers. The assigned airport
designator is not official and not to be used for official paperwork, such

as filing a flight plan. The easiest way to find airports of this nature is to
enter the airport or city name in the Enter Airport text box

(EK19=Hoven Airport in Denmark). The Jeppesen identifier will work if
you know it.

FliteDeck displays all airports matching what you have typed in the Select Airport

• VFR Airports are identified by having the airport identifier and name followed

by the word VFR APT.

• IFR airports display only the identifier and airport name.

Click the airport you want, or use the ARROW keys to highlight it and then press

ENTER. You can also press the FUNCTION key for the airport, if it is one of the first
six that are labeled with function keys.

Choosing an Airport from the Enroute Chart

In the Terminal tab Airport Selection page, the Chosen button displays the airport
diagram for the last airport selected on the Plan page.

To select an airport from the enroute chart:

1. Click the Plan tab.

2. Zoom in on the area in which to look for the off-route airport.

3. Click Clear Waypoint (CLR) to clear any text from the Enter Waypoint text
