Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
Page 85

Select the ProjData.D01 file and click on Save. Vision defaults the Project ID to the name of
folder with project files. Modify it if necessary. Enter optional description and click on OK.
Adopting Vision Projects with Copying to New Destination
Vision project can be opened by Vision if it is complete (all project database files are present in the
project folder) and if the location of the project is in Vision security database. Projects backed up and
restored in Vision automatically create a record in the security database. However, if a project is
moved from one computer to another without backing up (as a collection of project database files,
whether compressed or not) restoring it requires special tools.
Vision provides a function to adopt (restore) such databases and copy them to new location (Vision
installation folder is recommended). In order to adopt and copy Vision project follow these steps:
If the project is in a removable media (such as CD or memory stick) insert the media into the
drive or connect it into the USB port. Open Windows Explorer and make sure Windows
recognizes the media.
Inspect the project file. If it is in a compressed form (e.g., a ZIP file) use appropriate program
(such as WinZip) to unzip it.
Open Vision. Click on File/Project/Adopt and Copy. The following window opens: