2 export to ascii format, Export to ascii format – Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 73

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The Sample Selection window with the information spreadsheet opens.

From the spreadsheet click on a sample number to highlight and select it.

You can select multiple samples by holding down Control key while clicking on their numbers.

You can select a range of samples by clicking on the first sample in the range, and then

holding down the Shift key and clicking on the last sample.

Click on Export when done.

From the Save As dialog box select the destination directory. In the File Name field, enter the

name of the file with the all samples, or accept the default name. Click on Save.


Export to ASCII Format

A whole project, selected products, or selected spectra can be exported to ASCII format. If you
export whole products, each product is saved as a separate file. In order to export to ASCII format:

Click on File/Export/ASCII.