Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
Page 164

Only the equations consistent with the selected DCM and standardization type are displayed
and can be connected to a product.
Mux Setup Button
Click on Mux Setup to configure the on-line multiplexer. A typical screen is shown:
For each channel choose the product name. If you have a library with an identification
method declared in the Operations Method, you can also analyze Unknown product. Only
products with equations connected are displayed.
In the # Samples field enter the number of spectra acquired for a given channel.
In the Delay field enter the time delay before sampling a given channel.
In the Multiplexer Sequence box define the sampling sequence for the channels (up to 32
entries). The channel numbers should be separated by spaces. This sequence will be repeated
in a loop.
Click on OK when done.
Evolving PC Plot Button
Evolving PC plot displays Principal Component scores calculated on a moving block of spectra. A
predefined number of last acquired spectra in Routine Analysis (block size) are used to calculate a
Principal Components model. Principal Component scores of all spectra scanned since the start of
Routine Analysis are calculated based on this model and displayed.
In order to configure the evolving PC plot follow these steps:
Click on Evolving PC Plot.