2 using the custom spectral viewer, Using the custom spectral viewer – Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
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of computer memory, particularly if a large number of spectra have been plotted.
Directly print a spectrum by clicking the printer icon. To change print parameters, open the File
menu and choose Print Setup. You will probably want to set the orientation to Landscape. After
changing the orientation and exiting the Print Setup dialog, click on the print icon to reprint the
spectra. If adding a new printer, the Windows driver disks may be required.
Change the display background color by clicking the color list arrow. Click on the desired color to
change the color in the box to the left of the list arrow, then place the mouse button over the color
box and hold down the left arrow to drag a paint can to the desired area of the display and release
the mouse button. It is often helpful to change the background color to white when taking a spectral
plot to a word processor document. In this case, color both the frame around the spectrum and the
spectrum background.
Add vertical or horizontal grids to the spectrum view by clicking the grid icons.
To expand regions of the spectrum, click on the zoom button and the cursor changes to a
magnifying glass. Select an area to zoom by holding down the left mouse button, dragging the
cursor to the desired point and then releasing it. A double click in the colored portion at the top of
the new spectrum display box or the maximize icon expands it to full screen size. Double click again
to return the box to its previous size. The zoomed-in area can be dynamically changed by dragging
the zoom box in the original display.
To annotate spectra, click on the paintbrush icon. The annotator allows for drawing arrows and
writing text descriptions. To draw an arrow, position cursor at the end of the arrow, press the left
mouse button, and move the pointer to the front of the arrow. Release the mouse button. To add
text to the arrow, left click it and choose Draw Text from the popup menu. To delete the arrow, left
click it and choose Delete Arrow. This action also deletes accompanying text, if it exists. The spectral
window should not be resized after arrows are drawn. The spectral view can be copied to the
clipboard with arrows and text as a bitmap. Copying as Windows Metafile will not include arrows.
Deselect the icon when done.
Add a title to the spectra by selecting the alphabet icon. The title appears in the top border of the
display window.
Change the size of the data points with the “Bubble” icon. There are four size levels ranging from
none to large. Keep toggling this icon to return data points to their original size.
Remove the 3D effect by toggling the Frame icon. Removing the 3D effect improves the
appearance of printed spectra.
The properties of the plot can be changed by clicking on the Chart Options icon. It is
recommended to use the default properties.
Using The Custom Spectral Viewer
The custom spectral viewer is designed for displaying a large number of spectra. It provides means of
displaying only a representative subset of selected spectra and also has color control for the spectra
as a group.