4 minimum password length, 5 lockout after x bad login attempts, 6 lockout duration forever – Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 200: 7 lockout duration x minutes, 8 maximum backup age, 9 signing individual spectrum, 10 signing the changes in data, 2 audit trail, Minimum password length, Lockout after x bad login attempts

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Minimum Password Length

This configurable list box defines the minimum number of characters in a password


Lockout After X Bad Login Attempts

This configurable list box defines how many times Vision allows users to try to log in. When this
number is exceeded, Vision locks out.


Lockout Duration Forever

This option will cause lockout to last until System Manager logs in with his user ID and password.


Lockout Duration X Minutes

This option will unlock Vision and allow for another login attempt after specified number of minutes.


Maximum Backup Age

When the number of days from the last library or project backup exceeds the number defined in this
list box, Vision issues a backup reminder when a project or a library is opened.


Signing Individual Spectrum

When this option is selected, the user has to sign each spectrum or result with his password. This
option is available only in 21 CFR p.11 compliant mode.


Signing the changes in data

Whenever a change is made before raw data or a method, Vision will require the user to enter the
reason for change when compliant with 21 CFR Part 11. In many cases Vision will provide a list of
standard reasons to choose from, or the user can type in a reason as a comment.

If the reason for change is not given, the change will not be implemented.

All changes are logged into the Audit Trail.


Audit Trail

Vision has built-in an Audit Trail, which stores all activities and changes done on projects,
calibrations, libraries, operations methods, and security.

To view the Audit Trail, click on View/Show Audit Trail Records. Vision displays a window composed
of a tree view and a spreadsheet.