Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 139

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Displaying the results

The upper part of the results screen shows PLS loadings and weights, and the PRESS or standard
error as a function of the number of factors. The lower part of the screen contains a series of graphs:

45 degree plot (calculated vs. lab data )

residuals vs. calculated values

residuals vs. lab values

calculated %

summary of results showing for each factor the correlation, standard error of calibration,

PRESS and F statistics

average differences control chart X with confidence limits

range of differences control chart R with confidence limit

The graphs can be displayed by clicking on the proper tab at the bottom of the display. If the
validation set or outlier set was saved, they can be displayed by clicking on View and selecting the
proper set to be shown.

Equation editing

Initially, the displayed results are based on the number of factors recommended by Vision, i.e.,
corresponding to the minimum on the PRESS plot. You can change the number of factors in the
equation by clicking on Regression/Edit Factors.