Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
Page 17

The Configure Data Sources window displays. Choose the proper instrument driver by clicking on the
Configure button.
For 6500 series instruments select the COM port for the instrument connection and the baud
rate. Instruments with EPROM over 142 may use 115,200. Instruments with earlier EPROM
versions should use 38400 bytes/sec. You must define these parameters even if you will not
collect spectra from the instrument. Click on OK when done. From the Sample Ready
Indicator field select the proper driver. The Keyboard Sample Ready driver will prompt you to
confirm the spectral acquisition from the keyboard. The Continuous Operation Sample Ready
driver will allow you to acquire data without keyboard input. Click on OK when done.
For XDS instruments select the instrument IP address and click on OK. For further information
on XDS instrument connection refer to the user manual supplied with the XDS system.
Performance Test and Wavelength Linearization do not require confirmation from the keyboard even
when the Keyboard Sample Ready driver is selected.
Important: The 115200 baud rate applies to 6500 series instruments with EPROM of 142 or greater.
From the Connect to Instrument dialog box, choose to Acquire data or Use Existing data. If you
choose to Use Existing data, Vision will open the new Project, without connecting to the instrument.