Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 203

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The first method:

Export (back-up) the project containing the check cell spectrum from Vision connected to the

Master instrument and restores it in Vision connected to the Host instrument. Collect the
check cell spectrum from the Host instrument (or import/paste it into the project if working

In Data Acquisition, select the spectrum collected on the Master instrument (selected

spectrum's name will turn dark blue) and click on Master/Select Master Sample.

Select the spectrum collected on the Host instrument (selected spectrum’s name will turn dark

blue) and click on Master/Select Host Sample.

The Create Standardization Equation item on the Master menu becomes active. Click it in

order to compute the equation.

Vision will display the Master and Host spectra for visual inspection, and the standardization


Click on Close All Reports to finish.

Click on Master/Save Standardization Equation to store it in the project database. Enter the

equation name and press Enter.

Note: When Compute Scale Factor option is chosen before Create Standardization Equation, Vision
will calculate a scaling factor to compensate for different geometries of various sampling systems
when the Host sampling system is different from that of the Master instrument.

The second method (requires Vision to be connected to the Host instrument):

In Data Acquisition, click on Master/Select Default Standardization Eqn (you can optionally

click on Select/Options and then on Select Master Eqn. button).

Click on New in the Select Master Equation window.

From the Open dialog, select the NSAS file with Master spectrum.

Follow instructions to take the Host spectrum of the check cell.

Enter the Equation name and click OK.

Click on Close All Reports to finish.

Vision creates a new product in the current project. The name of the product corresponds to

the name of the NSAS file. The product contains the master spectrum, with Master
Standardized property turned on.

Note: When Compute Scale Factor option is checked in the Select Master Equation window during
this procedure, Vision will calculate scaling factor to compensate for different geometries of various
sampling systems. When the NSAS file with master spectrum contains more than one spectrum,
Vision will use the first spectrum in the file as the master spectrum to create the standardization

Selecting global project standardization equation

In Data Acquisition mode click on Master/Select Default Standardization Eqn. from the main

menu. Select the equation and click on OK.