Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 161

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Use Digital Protocol (DDE1.1) box must be checked in order to use external communication with any
digital or analog protocol.

Use Digital Protocol (DDE1.2) and Use External Processing (DDE2) boxes should not be checked in
most situations. This communication channel is used for custom software development, where
acquired spectrum needs to be moved outside Vision for processing by external software, and the
calculated result passed back to Vision to be displayed and saved in Vision database. Please contact
Metrohm representative for more details.

Use External Sample Name box becomes active when one of the protocols is selected. This option
allows passing the sample name from external software or process control system to Vision through
digital protocol or ActiveX (not available for analog 4-20 mA communication)

External Product box becomes active when one of the protocols is selected. This option allows
external software or process control system to define product to be analyzed by a specific calibration
equation attached to this product in Vision Routine Analysis. In order to link the product name to a
specific number, click on Product Setup Button. The following Window opens: