6 unattended routine analysis, Unattended routine analysis – Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
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You can print the results of Stored Data Analysis at any time by clicking on File/Print. Make sure that
the results view is the active window.
Unattended Routine Analysis
Vision, when started in the unattended mode, enters Routine Analysis directly, without logging in. It
opens selected Operations Method and initiates scanning. The unattended mode also constitutes the
lowest level of access – the user’s functions are limited to running Routine Analysis and exiting Vision.
The user does not have access to other parts of Vision.
After entering Routine Analysis, Vision may display Sample Information window which requires entry
from the operator. However, under certain circumstances, the window is suppressed and Vision starts
data acquisition without operator’s intervention. Apart from the Timer being enabled in the
Operations Method, one of the following conditions has to be fulfilled for Vision to start Routine
Analysis data acquisition:
The Operations Method uses identification that precedes quantification step, with calibrations
linked to library products, or
The project with Operations Method linked to it has only one product, and the calibration is
attached to that product in the Operations Method.
This configuration allows Vision to recognize which product should be analyzed with proper
calibration equation.
To enter the unattended mode, Vision has to be run with in-line parameters, which are the name of
the Operations Method and the name of the project where the method has been created. For
example, if the name of the Operations Method is OpMet, and the name of the project is MyProj,
executing the following command will start Vision in the unattended mode:
C:\Vision\Vision.exe_ /*MyProj_/OpMet (where the symbol “_” stands for space).
This assumes that executable program Vision.exe is located in folder C:\Vision\.
To run Vision Routine Analysis in the unattended mode:
In a project called MyProj create and configure an Operations Method. In this example we will
use the name OpMet.
Close Vision.
Run Vision with in-line parameter: C:\Vision\Vision.exe_/* MyProj_/OpMet.
To start analysis automatically, make sure that:
Vision is closed with instrument connected.
The Operations Method Timer is enabled and configured.
The Operations Method uses identification, or
When the library is not used, the project has only one product with calibration attached.
Vision can be started with in-line parameter from Run window (click on Start/Run) or you can create a
shortcut with the in-line parameter. Optionally, the shortcut can be added to Windows Startup
folder. In this case Vision automatically will resume Routine Analysis after power is cut off and