Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual

Page 72

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From the spreadsheet, click on a product number to highlight and select it.

You can select multiple products by holding down Control key while clicking on their


You can select a range of products by clicking on the first product in the range, and then

holding down the Shift key and clicking on the last product.

Click on Export when done.

From the Save As dialog box select the destination directory. In the File Name field enter the

name of the file with the first product, or accept the default name. Click on Save.

The selected products will be exported product by product. The default name of the NSAS file

is identical with the product name. Before a product is exported, the user can change this
name in the File Name field.

Click on “Done” when all desired products have been exported.

Exporting Selected Sample Spectra

Click on File/Export/NSAS.

From the Export to NSAS Files window, choose Selected Samples and click on OK.