Metrohm Vision Manual User Manual
Page 160

In the "Save" field, click on the appropriate boxes for desired information such as results, all spectra,
spectra out of tolerance, ASCII spectra, ASCII results, and others. Results and spectra are saved in the
output project. MVACDF spectra, binary (NSAS) spectra, ASCII results and ASCII spectra are saved in
the output project folder as text files (one per analysis). Archiving in the XML format requires the DTD
file (definition of the XML file format) to reside on the computer and the path to this file to be
defined in Account Policy window.
In the "Auto Print" field, check the appropriate options. You can automatically print a general results
report with running average and/or details report.
"Maximum number of report rows" defines the number of samples analyzed before the Results page
prints. When the report reaches this number, the results table maintains a constant size.
"Maximum number of chart results" defines the maximum number of result points displayed on trend
chart and control charts. After reaching this number, the chart starts to scroll.
“Maximum number of marbles” defines the maximum number of result points displayed on standard
deviation, RSD, and average charts. After reaching this number, the chart starts to scroll.
Aux I/O Setup Button
Configure Auxiliary I/O dialog define data exchange protocol with process control or data archiving
systems in order to establish one- or two-way communication with device such as Distributed Control
System (DCS) or Programmable Logical Controller (PLC).
Through Auxiliary I/O Vision supports analog protocols such as 4-20 milliAmp, or multiple digital
protocols such as OPC, Modbus, or Profibus. For complete list of supported protocols please contact
Metrohm representative. Auxiliary I/O also can provide communication through Vision ActiveX
control with third party software capable of supporting ActiveX. Please contact Metrohm
representative for details.
Please note that external communication is not included in the basic Vision package and requires
purchase of additional software or hardware. Please contact Metrohm representative for details.