Electrical installation – Lenze ECSCMxxx User Manual
Page 50

Electrical installation
Installation according to EMC (installation of a CE−typical drive system)
EDBCSXM064 EN 11.0
Connect the motor cable shield to the axis module
– with the ECSZS000X0B shield mounting kit.
– extensively to the mounting plate below the axis module.
– Recommendation: For the shield connection, use earthing clamps on bare metal
mounting surfaces.
If contactors, motor protection switches or terminals are located in the motor cable:
– Connect the shields of the connected cables to each other and connect them to the
mounting plate, too, with a surface as large as possible.
Connect the shield in the motor terminal box or on the motor housing extensively to
– Metal glands at the motor terminal box ensure an extensive connection of the
shield and the motor housing.
Shield UG cables and control cables from a length of 0.3 m:
– Connect both shields of the digital control cables.
– Connect one shield end of the analog control cables.
– Always connect the shields to the shield connection at the axis module over the
shortest possible distance.
Use of the ECS modules in residential areas:
– Additionally dampen the shield in order to limit the interfering radiation:
³10 dB .
This can be achieved by using standard, closed, metallic, and earthed control
cabinets or boxes.
Earth all metallically conductive components (e.g. ECS modules, RFI filters, motor
filters, mains chokes) using suitable cables connected to a central earthing point (PE
Maintain the minimum cross−sections prescribed in the safety regulations:
– For EMC not the cable cross−section is important, but the surface of the cable and
the contact with a cross−section as large as possible, i.e. large surface.