Index 13 – Lenze ECSCMxxx User Manual

Page 362

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EDBCSXM064 EN 11.0

CAN bus load, 216

CAN bus status, 214

CAN data telegram, 334

CAN diagnostic codes, 214

CAN network

communication phases, 336
state transitions, 337
statuses, 336

CAN network management (NMT), 338

CAN Sync correction increment, 208

CAN sync identifiers, 208

CAN sync response, 209

CAN synchronisation, 207

CAN synchronisation cycle, 207

CAN telegram counter , 215

CAN user organisation CiA, Homepage, 335

Capacitor module, 12

Capacitor module ECSxK..., Connection, 63

Capacitor modules, 63

CE−typical drive system, 48
assembly, 49
earthing, 50
filters, 49
installation , 48
shielding, 50

cables, 53

Charging current limitation, function selection, 101

COB−ID, 351
display code, 351
Code descriptions, 13

Code table, 279

Commissioning, 92
adjusting the current controller, calculating the electrical

motor values, 178

Adjustment of field controller / field weakening

controller, 185

Basic settings with GDC, 94
before you start, 92
commissioning steps, overview, 93
− configuration of control interface

monitor data, 133
status word "Stat1", 135 , 266

configuration of digital inputs/outputs, setting the

polarity, 142

configuring the control interface, control word Ctrl1, 132

configuring the digital inputs/outputs, 140
controller enable, 169
current controller adjustment, metrological

determination of electrical motor values, 179

entry of machine parameters, 138
Entry of motor data, 103
following error monitoring, 170
holding brake configuration, 105

closing the brake, 107
opening the brake, 108

− limit positions and limit switches

evaluating hardware limit switches, 172
retracting from hardware limit switches, 172

loading the Lenze settings, 100
operation with motors of other manufacturers, 174
Operation with servo motors from other manufacturers,

Motor feedback system − checking the direction of
rotation, 177

− operation with servo motors of other manufacturers

adjusting current controller, 178
effecting rotor position adjustment, 180
entering motor data, 174

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