HP Insight Control Software for Linux User Manual

Page 229

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Corrective actions


Verify that a proxy is not used to communicate between
the CMS and the managed system.

OS Installations fail, cannot connect to managed system

OS Installations hang

Insight Control for Linux does not have proxy server
support; the Insight Control for Linux features do not
communicate through proxy servers, and require direct
network connectivity between the CMS and the managed

Proxy information can be defined using an environment
variable or various configuration files.

Examine the output of the env command and the contents
of the /etc/wgetrc file to ensure that you do not have
any proxy variables set in your environment that might
interfere with Insight Control for Linux.

Install the cpq-cciss driver option from the latest
supported PSP.

cciss: fifo full error on ProLiant ML350 G6 console

This error appears on the console of a ProLiant ML350 G6
installed with RHEL 4 Update 7.

Ensure the correct storage device is selected during this
operation by disabling all other storage devices on the

Installing an OS on systems with external storage media
might fail

target managed system before installing the OS or

Modern Linux installers might not reliably install the Grub
boot loader to the expected storage device if external

specifying it in the installation configuration file (Kickstart
or AutoYaST file). See the appropriate vendor

storage devices are available on the target managed
system during a non-interactive installation.

documentation for more information on Kickstart and
AutoYaST files.

Use any of the following methods to correct this situation:

Installation hangs on boot or generates error message
about disk

Power on the system and enter the BIOS Setup utility
(F9). Under the Advanced Settings section, select Restore
Settings/Erase Boot Disk.

When installing a Linux OS on a disk that previously
contained data, there may be circumstances in which the
data contained on the disk prevents the OS's installer from

Try installing a Linux OS from a different vendor, only
to reformat the disk drive.

properly configuring the disk. Although the symptoms can
vary, they include error messages and instances of
installations hanging on reboot.

Boot the system to the Insight Control for Linux RAM disk
with the Diagnose

→Boot to Linux Rescue Mode... tool,

then use the dd command to write zeroes to the master
boot record and partition table, as follows:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk \
bs=16384 count=1

Where /dev/disk is the disk device.

If unsuccessful, zero out the entire disk with the following

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk

Reinstall the operating system with the following kernel
append line parameter:

Issue installing RHEL 5.5 on BL460c G7 and BL490c G7
Bladeservers (x86_64 architecture)


See the entry for Bare metal discovery returns "There are
no MAC addresses registered for this system." in

“Troubleshooting discovery problems” (page 211)


Capture operation returns "There are no MAC addresses
registered for this system."

25.15 Troubleshooting OS installation and image deployment problems 229