Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 63

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Job Menu


; Prompt for Description

: When checked, a prompt for a

description will appear before any new point is stored from any

routine other than those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.

; Prompt for Layer

: When checked, a prompt to select a layer will

appear before any new point is stored from any routine other than
those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.

; Prompt for Attributes

: When checked, a prompt to select feature

information will appear before any new point is stored from any

routine other than those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.
This also requires that a feature file be selected from the Files

Settings card, described earlier.

; Prompt to Backup When Closing Job

: When checked, you will be

reminded to backup the current job prior to closing it.

; Write Point Attributes to Raw Data

: When checked, point

attributes will be written to the raw data file as well as the job file.

; Prompt for Elevation of 2D Cogo Pionts

: When checked, a

majority of the COGO routines will prompt you for an elevation
before storing a 2D point. When unchecked, 2D points will be stored

without the prompt.

; Use Smart Soft Input Panel Activation

: When checked, the SIP

will automatically open when the cursor is inside an input field and

close when the cursor is moved outside an input field.

; Always Warn if Not Saving New File to Flash Card

: When

checked, a warning will open whenever a new job is saved to the data
collector’s onboard memory rather than an external CF card.

; Log Serial Port Traffic

: When checked, all serial port traffic will

be logged to a text file called TDS-Log.txt for troubleshooting

purposes and is stored in the Jobs folder. The file is automatically
overwritten when logging traffic on a date that is different from the

previous date.