Parabolic layout – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Parabolic Layout

Curve Parabolic Layout


The Parabolic Layout screen allows you to compute an elevation at a

specified station, or a station at a specified elevation.
Beg. Grade: is the percent grade at the PVC.
End Grade
: is the percent grade at the PVT.
Curve Length
: is the horizontal distance between the
PVC and PVT.
PVC Station
: is the starting station at the PVC.
PVC Elevation
: is the elevation at the PVC.
Solve for
: is where you select to solve for an unknown

Elevation, or an unknown Station. The selection made
here determines which of the following choices will be


; Interval

: When checked, the Current station can be

incremented by the specified interval by using the Sta -
and Sta + buttons and then re-computed with the Layout button.

Current station: is the station that will be solved for with the Layout
Elevation: is the known elevation for the location(s) on the parabolic
curve where you want to compute the station(s).

Solve : computes the details of the vertical curve.

Sta - : decreases the Current station by the Interval.

Sta + : increases the Current station by the Interval.

Layout : computes either the elevation at the specified Current station

or the station(s) at the specified Elevation.