Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual
Page 57
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compared to the sum of the horizontal distances to all the foresight
shots. If the difference exceeds this value, a warning will occur.
; Max Sight Lengths
: When checked, a warning will occur
whenever the horizontal distance measured to any point exceeds this
; Min Ground Clearance
: When checked, a warning will occur if a
shot is taken at a location on the rod that is within this distance to
the ground.
; Max Loop Misclosure
: When checked, the error computed after a
level loop is closed will be surrounded with exclamation points in the
Close Loop screen and Level Notes screen if the error exceeds this
; Upper-Lower Wire Reading <
: When checked a warning will
occur if the difference between the upper stadia and crosshair exceeds
the difference between the crosshair and lower stadia by this value.
(This only applies to the Three Wire level method.)
Load FGCS Defaults : Opens the FGCS Defaults screen, described
below, where the default tolerances for a specified level loop order
and class can be loaded.