Edit point list – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 284

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Note: The screens available after tapping Solve > or Next Point > are
identical to Screens Two and Three in the Stake Points routine and
are described on pages R-270 through R-272.

: accesses the Stakeout Settings screen (Page R-45).

Edit Point List

Stakeout Stake List of Points Change Design Point… or

Stakeout Stake List of Points

Edit List…

The Edit Point List screen is used to modify the existing point list.

Remove : removes the selected point from the point list.

Clear All : removes all the points from the point list.

To Closest : is available only when the screen is

accessed with the Change Design Point… button. This
will automatically select the point in the point list that is

nearest to the previously staked point, which is the

selected point when the screen if first accessed.

<- Insert / <-Append : will insert the point specified in

the corresponding field above the point selected in the
point list. When is selected, the point is

appended to the end of the list.

Change to : is available only when the screen is accessed

with the Change Design Point… button. This is used to
stake the point currently selected in the point list.