Surface scan – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 146

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Backsight : accesses the Backsight Setup screen (Page R-114) where

the current backsight can be modified.

Surface Scan

Survey Surface Scan


The Surface Scan screen takes advantage of a robotic, reflectorless

total station to automatically take a sequence of shots of a surface.

PC software can then use the data to generate a 3-D raster image of
the surface or a DTM surface to compute volume information. Consult

the User’s Manual for more information on performing a surface scan.

Distance Grid Surface Scan

Angle Grid Surface Scan

Select Type of Surface Scan: Select the type of surface scan to
perform here. The option selected will determine how you will define

your perimeter and distance intervals.

Distance Grid

Point 1, Point 2, Point 3: Are the point names that will be used

when storing the upper-left, upper-right and lower points that define
the surface perimeter.