Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 468

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


base setup .................... 262

choose base setup260, R-176
choose one point setup 258

choose projection mode258,


connect to receiver....... 261

rover setup................... 264

station and offset ........ R-310

road .......................... R-418

station equation .. 106, R-421
station offset................ R-357

stereographic projection 225,


store offset pointsR-312, R-340

straight grade.............. R-388

sun shot ............... 142, R-152
super elevations .......... R-406

surface scan......... 184, R-138

surveying in azimuths...... 80
surveying settings......... R-44


tangent offset ...... 169, R-379
tape offset .................... R-305

tape out/in ......................... 79
TDS Keyboard..See TDS SIP

TDS SIP............................... 6

TDS Smart SIP ................... 7
templates..................... R-394

add / edit .................. R-403

TGO ................................. 250
three points on a curveR-373

time format........................ 10
time/date settings R-52, R-53

TIN....................... 109, R-315

transfer.......................... R-31
translate .............. 177, R-425

by coordinates.............. 178

by distance................... 177

Transverse Mercator

projection ............. 224, 225

traverse / sideshot....... R-120

remote mode .............R-124

traverse adjustment ....R-427
traverse base................R-250

traverse now or later ...R-122

traverse on curve .........R-382
traverse on spiral.........R-391

traverse shot ..................... 69
triangle solutions.........R-360

TTC.................................. 250

turn to...........................R-158
tutorial jobs..................... 304

existing job .................. 306

mapping plane............. 313
one point localization.. 305

reuse localization ........ 311

two peg test ..................R-264


units settings .................R-41


VAL...........................54, R-67

vertical angle offset138, R-131

vertical curve ....... R-384, See

parabolic curve

vertical curve layout....R-386
vertical datums............... 220

international ............... 220

NAVD88....................... 221
NGVD29 ...................... 220

video card .....................R-160

video display options ...R-161
video scan.....................R-141

settings .....................R-144

video settings ...............R-162
view DTM.......................R-78

view raw data.................R-77


WGS84(1996.0) ............... 217

where is next point R-326, R-