Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.5 Recon and Nomad Reference Manual User Manual
Page 462
Survey Pro Reference Manual
chord offset .......... 169, R-380
close level loop............. R-264
code differential .............. 212
description ............... 38, 39
combined scale factor...... 227
compass rule.................... 181
compass rule adjustment183,
compute area............... R-359
compute radius point.. R-375
conformal map projections224
conformality .................... 223
connect to receiver ...... R-177
control fileSee import control
control files.............. 36, R-26
control points125, 272, 279, R-
Basic GPS ................ R-251
check .............R-193, R-251
collect ........................... 307
occupy............R-194, R-251
convergence calculator.... 304
coordinate system ........... 221
select ........................ R-214
coordinate system database
...................................... 245
coordinate systems
horizontal..................... 223
vertical ......................... 228
corner angle................. R-358
create points screen .... R-435
curve and offset173, R-302, R-
curve layout................. R-378
chord offset .................. 169
horizontal..................... 168
parabolic ...................... 171
PC deflection................ 168
PI deflection................. 168
spiral ............................ 172
tangent offset .............. 169
curve solution...............R-370
cut sheet offset...............R-47
data collection 63, 290, R-187
Basic GPS .................R-249
date/time settings R-52, R-53
datums............................. 215
horizontal..................... 217
vertical......................... 220
define a location...........R-324
description file .................. 37
codes......................... 38, 39
opening .......................... 40
DGPS............................... 211
Differential GPS ............. 211
distance offset ......136, R-129
distance units.................... 23
DTM GPS shot.............R-340
DTM stake109, R-315, R-340
DUT correction ..............R-52
earth curvature..............R-44
ECEF XYZ............... 211, 222
edit alignments ..............R-65
create points .............R-435
edit basemap ................R-443
edit GPS point flags.......R-60
edit point
general ..............R-57, R-58
geodetic .......................R-60
location .......................R-59
edit point flags ...............R-60
edit points ......................R-56
edit polyline....................R-81
edit polylines..................R-61